Friday, February 13, 2009

The Bottom

This year we are getting an early start on the garden. Ian mans the one row plow like those used by our Amish neighbors. In place of horses and the absence of tractor, Dave guns the Ranger and pulls the steel blade through some of the darkest soil in this part of Tennessee(900+ ft. above sea level).


Anonymous said...

May I laugh ? :))))))))))))

Ogmin said...

Freely! We certainly did. Arabian horsepower...

As the economic crisis worsens, one might see similar scenes on the urban fringe with vegetables replacing manicured lawns. As SUV's go the way of the dinosaur and disappear from the highways, their four-wheel traction and better MPG than tractors might lead to more practical, innovative uses in 'retirement'.

Anonymous said...

Here in South Africa the price of vegetables has doubled in a year - now I wonder if I can afford them. The world is changing very fast and I feel like we are all tumbling down a slope into a big black hole.. I cannot rid myself of the idea that the world's values are now so wrong that it has passed the mark of being able to adjust its balance..
The blog is wonderful - hope you keep it going..

Anonymous said...

Ouch !